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Former Prosecutor • Former Judge • Former State’s Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney

Violent Crime Lawyers - Rock Island, IL | Bettendorf, IA

When Facing Violent Crime Charges, Don't Trust Your Freedom

to an Inexperienced Attorney

The potential punishment for a violent crime conviction is severe whether you live in Illinois or Iowa. If you’ve been accused of a serious, violent crime, you could be facing multiple years in prison or worse – including a life sentence. Neither Illinois or Iowa support a death penalty, but a violent crime conviction is the type of crime that ordinarily would be eligible for this type of penalty.

If you are facing a violent crime charge, you need the possible criminal defense lawyer on your side. Please contact the skilled and experienced criminal defense attorneys as soon as possible. Your freedom and your future are at stake.

Our criminal defense lawyers believe that anyone accused of a crime – even a serious, violent crime – has the right to a capable, passionate legal defense. Because every case and every client is unique, we believe in taking the time to appropriately research and craft a defense for your criminal defense.


Our criminal defense lawyers have experience defending clients accused of violent crimes such as:


Our legal team provides skilled legal representation to clients charged with any of the following types of criminal offenses:

  • Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm

  • Assault and Aggravated Assault

  • Attempted Murder

  • Burglary and Home Invasion

  • Domestic Battery

  • Federal Firearm Violations

  • Kidnapping

  • Murder

  • Rape, Sexual Assault, Battery, and Aggravated Battery

  • Resisting Arrest or Battery to Police Officer

  • Robbery or Armed Robbery

  • Unlawful Use of a Weapon

  • Violation of Order of Protection

  • Weapons Offenses

AssaultA conviction of a violent crime like battery can result in jail or prison time, fines, full restitution to the victim, probation or parole, counseling, and a permanent entry on your criminal record.

Domestic ViolenceDomestic violence cases are never simple, and oftentimes, there are discrepancies between the accused and the accuser.  When facing domestic violence charges, it is vital that you hire a criminal defense defense attorney as soon as possible.

Homicide / MurderHomicide is the killing of one person by another, whether lawfully – such as in a defense situation – or unlawfully. Homicide includes both murder and manslaughter. Murder, however, specifically is defined as the unlawful and unjustified killing of another human being with malice aforethought. A conviction of either charge can result in irreversible damage to your life.

Sex CrimesOne of the most serious violent crime charges is rape. Prosecutors and judges take this charge very seriously and one of the consequences of a conviction is mandatory reporting. If you are facing charges or being investigated for a sex crime such as rape, you should should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.


If you are facing a violent crime charge, our attorneys will work around the clock to ensure that we are providing you with our very best defense services. We will investigate your specific case and examine it from all possible angles. We will employ any relevant legal defense strategies, including intelligently cross-examining any witnesses, questioning police accounts, and ensuring that none of your rights were violated in either the evidence gathering phase of the case or the arrest itself.

Free Consultation for Violent Crime Criminal Defense Cases in Illinois and Iowa

If you have been charged with a serious crime, you simply cannot afford to put your future in the hands of an inexperienced defense lawyer. Contact our Illinois and Iowa criminal defense attorneys to schedule your free consultation regarding your case.

Paulson & Vandersnick

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